ED.EM.06 - Ornithology


It is 70 years since Roderick Dobson published the seminal work Birds of the Channel Islands. Since then the Ornithology Section of the Société Jersiaise has been central to the ongoing study of this field. This issue charts their work through the archives of Douglas Hooke, Johnny Johnston, Roger and Margaret Long.

Their work enables us to evidence changes in species and habits that allow us to understand how our natural world is changing and to shape environmental policy for Jersey.


About Éditions Emile
The first set of publications will be a series of small photo-zines comprising of 48 pages with an average of 30-40 images and a short text providing further context. Publishing three new editions annually, the photo-zine will be affordable for everyone with an interest in Jersey’s rich cultural heritage and photographic collections held in the Société Jersiaise Photographic Archive.

Images: Douglas Hooke, Johnny Johnston, Roger and Margaret Long
Text: TBC
Editors: Patrick Cahill, Martin Toft and Shan O’Donnell
48 pages
TBC images
Print-run: 200
Printed by: Park Communications
Publication date: September 2023