Ways to support us...

…beyond buying something that is.

Éditions Emile is operated by volunteers who are passionate about photography, Jersey and the collections of the Société Jersiaise Photographic Archive. By purchasing books, zines and prints you can help support the imprint, that revenue enables us to develop our services, and products and to pay contributors. However, there are other ways you can support our work…

For each issue of ED.EM. we are looking for a sponsor to cover the production costs. This enables us to invest the revenue generated from sales into improving the content of future editions and to keep costs for users down.



By volunteering, you can directly support the work of Éditions Emile and engage in value experiences. You receive a subscription to ED.EM. and a limited edition print of your choice (subject to availability.)



With a donation of £1000 you can sponsor an issue of ED.EM. You will receive 20 print copies, a set of limited edition prints from the edition, branding opportunities, and a private tour of the archive.



With a donation of £2000+, you can support the ongoing development of Éditions Emile as a publisher. Get in touch using the form below to dicuss how you can help develop our work.


If you would like to know more about the Support Packages please contact us via the form below…